28 Sales Triggers You Need For Outreach And Conversion

Piers Montgomery
June 12, 2024

Are you and your team struggling to convert those ideal leads? Don't worry we understand.

The competitive world of B2B sales, timing is everything. Recognizing and leveraging sales triggers can be the key you are looking for in skyrocketing your company's sales. But what exactly are sales triggers, and how can you use them to your advantage?

Our goal is to help you understand how, why and when you should use them to make sure your sales strategy is on the right path.

Sound good? Lets get started. We will make sure you know:

  • What sales triggers are.
  • How you can spot a potential trigger.
  • Provide the latest you need for B2B sales.
  • Show you how you can start annihilating the competition 💪

What Are Sales Triggers?

Graphic with a bold title and bullet points and pink to lack gradient. It explains what sales triggers are and says A sales trigger is essentially a signal or "event" that indicates a prospect may be ready to enter a buying phase, transforming them into a potential customer. These triggers can take many forms and are derived from various types of pre-intent data. They are an integral part of a salesperson's toolkit and represent a powerful strategy in identifying and capitalizing on opportunities.
Sales Trigger 101

These events can range from a company hiring new executives to mergers, product launches, or even office expansions. By identifying and acting on these triggers, you can tailor your outreach to meet the current needs of your prospects, making your approach more relevant and timely.

Why Are Sales Triggers Important?

In sales, timing is crucial. Knowing when a company is going through a significant change can give you the perfect opening to offer your products or services.

By reaching out at the right moment, you increase your chances of making a sale and building a strong relationship with your prospect.

Sales triggers provide you with the insights you need to make your interactions more personalized and effective.

They provide you with:

  • The ability to personalize your outreach.
  • Perfect timing.
  • Opportunities for cross-selling and upselling.
  • Staying more relevant than the competition.
  • Easy integration into an existing sales workflow.

How to Identify Sales Triggers?

Tracking sales triggers requires a combination of tools and techniques. Here are some ways to keep tabs on potential trigger events:

  • Google Alerts: Set up alerts for key terms related to your prospects.
  • LinkedIn: Follow companies and key individuals for updates.
  • Industry News: Keep an eye on industry-specific news and publications.
  • Company Press Releases: Regularly check your prospects' press releases for announcements.

The problem is with these approaches is that it takes lot of manual effort and more importantly wasted time to track. There are a lot of data intelligence platforms that allow you to ditch the manual research and focus on closing every opportunity.

Now, let’s explore the top 29 sales triggers you should focus on to boost your company's sales.

The Top 29 Sales Triggers You Need For Your Business

This is a graphic with pink and black gradient background that explains the hint hat sales people should identify what event may hae happened in the company that enabled them to secure there deal.
Trigger Hint

1. Hiring

Hiring signals that a company is growing and requires additional resources to support new employees. This is an ideal time to propose services or products that can help streamline onboarding, enhance training, and improve overall productivity. Highlight how your solutions can integrate seamlessly with their hiring processes and contribute to their growth objectives.

Industry Example: Recruitment agencies can target companies that are actively hiring to offer their staffing solutions.

Supporting Study: According to Indeed and Glassdoor's 2023 Hiring and Workplace Trends Report, companies that improve their hiring processes see significant improvements in the quality of their hires, which directly impacts business growth. This makes it a perfect time to offer solutions that can assist in hiring and onboarding processes.

2. New in Role

When someone steps into a new role, especially in leadership, they often look to make significant changes and may be more open to new ideas and partnerships. This is an opportune moment to introduce your solutions, demonstrating how they can help the new leader achieve their objectives and streamline their transition.

Industry Example: Consulting firms can approach newly appointed executives to offer strategic planning and advisory services.

Supporting Study: Research by Harvard Business Review shows that executives in new roles are 20% more likely to seek external advice and services. This period of transition is a prime opportunity to present your offerings as essential to their strategy.

3. Promotion

Promotions bring increased responsibilities and often larger budgets, making the promoted individual eager to prove their effectiveness. This is a key moment to present your products or services, highlighting how they can help the individual excel in their new role and drive the company's success.

Industry Example: Software vendors can target recently promoted IT managers to offer new software solutions that can enhance departmental productivity.

Supporting Study: According to LinkedIn, employees who are promoted are 70% more likely to seek new tools and services to succeed in their new roles. Engaging with them early can position your product as a vital component of their strategy.

4. Leavers

When key employees leave, companies often face gaps that need immediate filling, leading to potential hiring or restructuring efforts. This is a prime opportunity to offer recruitment and transition services to ensure business continuity and minimise disruptions.

Industry Example: Recruitment firms can offer their services to companies that have experienced recent departures.

Supporting Study: A report by McKinsey highlights that companies with high turnover rates are 24% more likely to increase their spending on recruitment services. This indicates a significant need for your support during these times.

5. Retirements

Retirements signal upcoming changes in leadership and potential shifts in company strategy. This is an excellent opportunity to offer transition planning and advisory services, ensuring a smooth handover and continued operational stability.

Industry Example: Financial advisory firms can target companies with upcoming retirements to offer retirement planning and succession services.

Supporting Study: The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) states that 67% of organisations anticipate a knowledge loss due to retirements and seek external support to manage transitions. This makes it an ideal time to offer your expertise.

6. Acquisition

Acquisitions indicate that a company is expanding and integrating new capabilities. This creates a significant need for integration services or complementary products. By engaging early, you can position your solutions as critical to their successful integration and overall strategy.

Industry Example: IT service providers can offer integration solutions to companies undergoing acquisitions.

Supporting Study: Deloitte’s research shows that 78% of companies undergoing acquisitions require additional IT support to integrate new systems. This highlights the potential demand for your services during this period.

7. Merger

Mergers lead to restructuring and the need for new systems and processes. This is a prime opportunity to offer consulting and technology services to ensure a smooth transition and help achieve operational synergies. Demonstrating your value early can help position your solutions as essential.

Industry Example: Management consulting firms can offer their expertise in restructuring and change management to companies undergoing mergers.

Supporting Study: According to PwC, 65% of mergers fail due to poor integration planning, highlighting the need for external consulting services. Engaging early can position your services as critical to their success.

8. Sale of Assets

The sale of assets can indicate a company’s need to streamline operations or generate capital. This presents opportunities for financial and advisory services to assist in managing the proceeds and planning future investments. Offering your expertise can help them maximise value from the sale.

Industry Example: Investment firms can approach companies selling assets to offer investment advice or capital solutions.

Supporting Study: Ernst & Young found that 55% of companies sell assets to fund new growth opportunities, creating demand for financial advisory services. This highlights the potential for your services during this period.

9. Office Expansion to a New Location

Expanding to a new location often requires new logistical, legal, and operational support. This creates ample opportunities for service providers to assist in this transition. Reaching out early can position your offerings as essential to their successful expansion.

Industry Example: Real estate firms can target companies expanding to new locations to offer office space and logistical support.

Supporting Study: CBRE reports that 73% of companies expanding to new locations require real estate and logistical services. This underscores the opportunity to provide your solutions during their expansion.

10. Office Expansion in a Current Location

Expanding an office within a current location signals growth and can create opportunities for offering interior design, furniture, and technology solutions to meet the new demands. Proposing your services early can help them manage the expansion efficiently.

Industry Example: Office supply companies can provide expanded office equipment and furniture to growing companies.

Supporting Study: A study by Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) reveals that companies expanding their offices often increase their spending on office supplies and equipment by 30%. This indicates a clear need for your products.

11. Facility Expansion

Facility expansions indicate increased production capacity, creating opportunities for providing industrial equipment, technology, and logistics services to support the new scale of operations. Offering your solutions early can help them optimise their expansion efforts.

Industry Example: Manufacturers of industrial equipment can target companies expanding their facilities.

Supporting Study: The International Journal of Production Economics states that 64% of companies expanding their facilities invest heavily in new equipment and technology. This highlights the potential demand for your offerings.

12. New Location Opening

Opening a new location often involves setting up new operations. This creates opportunities for a wide range of service providers, including legal, logistical, and operational support. Engaging early can position your offerings as critical to their successful launch.

Industry Example: Logistics companies can offer their services to businesses opening new locations.

Supporting Study: According to a report by Cushman & Wakefield, 80% of companies opening new locations require extensive logistical support. This underscores the need for your solutions during their expansion.

13. Increased Headcount

An increase in headcount signifies business growth and creates opportunities for providing HR solutions, office space, and equipment to accommodate the growing workforce. Offering your services early can help them manage the increased demand efficiently.

Industry Example: HR software companies can target businesses increasing their headcount to offer payroll and employee management solutions.

Supporting Study: Research by ADP shows that companies increasing their headcount by 20% or more are twice as likely to invest in new HR technologies. This indicates a clear opportunity for your solutions.

14. Product Launches

Product launches indicate a company’s entry into new markets or the expansion of their product line. This creates opportunities for marketing and distribution services to ensure a successful launch. Engaging early can help position your offerings as essential to their launch strategy.

Industry Example: Marketing agencies can offer their expertise to companies launching new products.

Supporting Study: A Nielsen report states that 63% of companies launching new products seek external marketing support to ensure successful market entry. This highlights the demand for your services during product launches.

15. Developing New Products

Developing new products requires research and development support, prototyping, and marketing. This presents opportunities for a variety of service providers to assist in the development process. Offering your expertise early can help them achieve their goals more efficiently.

Industry Example: R&D firms can offer their expertise to companies developing new products.

Supporting Study: According to a study by McKinsey, 57% of companies developing new products collaborate with external R&D providers to accelerate the development process. This demonstrates the potential need for your services.

16. Received Funding

New funding for any company is a clear signal that there’s more money to spend. This is a great time to propose your solutions, showing how they can help meet their expanded goals. If budgets were a previous barrier, increased funds might signal a willingness to engage in earlier discussions.

Industry Example: Financial advisors can target companies that have recently received funding to offer investment and growth strategy services.

Supporting Study: Crunchbase reports that 74% of companies that receive funding seek additional advisory services to manage their growth. This makes it an ideal time to offer your expertise.

17. Investing into New Projects

Investing in new projects indicates a company’s focus on innovation and expansion. This presents opportunities for providing project management and consulting services to support these new initiatives. Engaging early can position your offerings as essential to their project success.

Industry Example: Project management firms can offer their expertise to companies investing in new projects.

Supporting Study: The Project Management Institute (PMI) states that 77% of companies investing in new projects require external project management support. This highlights the potential need for your services.

18. Investing into Assets

Investing in new assets indicates growth and operational scaling. This creates opportunities for providing financial advisory and asset management services to ensure the effective use of these new resources. Offering your expertise early can help them maximise their investments.

Industry Example: Asset management companies can target businesses investing in new assets to offer their management and advisory services.

Supporting Study: A study by Deloitte shows that 69% of companies investing in new assets seek external asset management support. This underscores the need for your services.

19. Going Public

Going public is a significant milestone that brings increased scrutiny and the need for compliance and financial advisory services. This is a prime time to offer your expertise in navigating the complexities of an IPO and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Industry Example: Legal firms can offer their services to companies going public to ensure regulatory compliance.

Supporting Study: According to EY, 80% of companies going public hire external consultants to navigate the IPO process. This highlights the demand for your services during this critical time.

20. Office Closure

Office closures often indicate restructuring or downsizing, which can create opportunities for offering relocation and outplacement services. By offering your support, you can help manage the transition smoothly and assist affected employees.

Industry Example: Outplacement firms can provide support to companies closing offices to assist with employee transitions.

Supporting Study: A report by the Workforce Institute found that 56% of companies closing offices engage outplacement services to support their workforce. This demonstrates the need for your services during such periods.

21. Decreases Headcount

Decreasing headcount often signals a company’s need to streamline operations, presenting opportunities for offering efficiency solutions and consulting services. Engaging with companies during this time can help them improve operational efficiency and reduce costs.

Industry Example: Consulting firms can approach companies reducing their workforce to offer operational efficiency solutions.

Supporting Study: The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) states that 60% of companies reducing headcount seek external consulting to improve operational efficiency. This indicates a significant opportunity for your services.

22. Partnership

New partnerships indicate that a company is looking to expand its capabilities and offerings. This can be an ideal time to approach them with complementary solutions that enhance their new partnership's success.

Industry Example: Technology firms can offer integration solutions to companies forming new partnerships.

Supporting Study: According to a report by Accenture, 76% of executives say partnerships are crucial to their business strategy. This highlights the potential for your services to support these new alliances.

23. Receives Award

Receiving an award can signal a company’s excellence in a particular area, presenting opportunities for offering marketing and PR services to capitalise on this recognition. Showcasing your expertise can help them enhance their public image and leverage the award for further growth.

Industry Example: Public relations firms can target award-winning companies to offer services that enhance their public image.

Supporting Study: A study by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) found that 68% of award-winning companies increase their spending on PR services. This underscores the opportunity for your offerings.

24. Recognised as

Being recognised as an industry leader indicates a company’s strong market position, creating opportunities for offering strategic partnerships and consulting services. Engaging with these companies can help them maintain and enhance their competitive edge.

Industry Example: Strategic consulting firms can offer their services to industry-leading companies to help maintain and enhance their market position.

Supporting Study: Research by Gartner shows that 62% of industry leaders seek external consulting to sustain their competitive edge. This demonstrates the demand for your expertise.

25. Signs New Client

Signing a new client often signals growth and can create opportunities for offering additional support services to handle the increased workload. This is an excellent time to propose your solutions to help them scale effectively and maintain high service levels.

Industry Example: IT support companies can offer their services to businesses that have recently signed new clients to ensure seamless service delivery.

Supporting Study: Forrester Research found that companies signing new clients are 50% more likely to invest in additional IT support services. This highlights the need for your offerings during periods of client growth.

26. Files Lawsuit Against

Filing a lawsuit can indicate legal disputes and can create opportunities for offering legal support and advisory services. Engaging early can position your firm as a critical ally in navigating the complexities of legal battles.

Industry Example: Law firms can approach companies involved in lawsuits to offer legal representation and advisory services.

Supporting Study: A report by the American Bar Association (ABA) states that 75% of companies involved in lawsuits seek additional legal support. This demonstrates the demand for your expertise.

27. Has Issues with

Having issues with another company can indicate conflicts that may require mediation, legal services, or consulting. Offering your solutions can help resolve these disputes and restore business relations.

Industry Example: Mediation firms can offer their services to companies experiencing disputes with other businesses.

Supporting Study: According to a study by the International Mediation Institute, 70% of companies involved in business disputes seek external mediation services. This highlights the opportunity for your expertise in conflict resolution.

28. Identified as Competitor

Being identified as a competitor can highlight a company’s competitive position in the market, creating opportunities for offering competitive analysis and strategic planning services. By providing your insights, you can help them stay ahead of the competition.

Industry Example: Market research firms can offer competitive analysis services to companies identified as major competitors in their industry.

Supporting Study: A report by BCG shows that 65% of companies identified as competitors invest in market research to gain competitive insights. This underscores the demand for your analytical services.

TrigIQ - Custom Triggers

TrigIQ is our AI research assistant that creates custom triggers and performs advanced tasks. It scans the first 100 Google pages and navigates websites to scrape data.

For example, you could ask:

- Does (company domain) have a SOC 2 certificate?
- Have (company name) hired a similar role to (job title)?

The freedom is yours!

Why use custom triggers?

Timing is crucial for effective outreach, and at TrigIQ, we aim to ensure that all our clients can connect with relevance, regardless of their industry.

Understanding the unique dynamics of each sector, we have developed a solution that empowers your outreach efforts with precision and impact.

With TrigIQ, we directly put the power of sales triggers into your hands. This advanced tool allows you to enrich your data with key industry-specific information, ensuring you have the most relevant insights at your fingertips.

Whether you are in recruitment, technology, healthcare, finance, or any other field, your TrigIQ input will allow a targeted approach that not only saves time but also maximises the effectiveness of your outreach strategies.

How do you use TrigIQ?

  1. If you have your own OpenAI API key, you can use it to save credits on your TrigIQ responses
  2. Use dynamic input fields to craft your own customer trigger relevant to the data in your lead table.
  3. Assign the formatting of your reply with different TrigIQ delivery options.
  4. Choose your default response for this trigger.
  5. Save and run.

Hint: Assign each TrigIQ column to a single, specific task. By keeping tasks simple and distinct, and correlating data across multiple columns, you can achieve clearer and more effective insights.

Need help? Watch the video below 👇


What should I do when I identify a sales trigger?

Use tools like Google Alerts, LinkedIn, industry news, and company press releases to keep track of potential sales triggers.

How can I automate tracking sales triggers?

Trigify.io provides tools and insights to help you track and act on sales triggers, maximizing your sales potential and keeping you ahead of the competition.

How can I track sales triggers?

Use tools like Google Alerts, LinkedIn, industry news, and company press releases to keep track of potential sales triggers.

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